Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers are “real dogs”.  They provide an amazing level of relationship and human/dog interraction.  They are not a “fluffy decor item” and will not automatically conform to your hopes and expectations of the perfect dog. A great breeder selects breeding dogs for temperament and health and then raises puppies in the middle of their home in a way that gives them the greatest potential to succeed.  Then your preparedness, your understanding and having ongoing support from your breeder, trainers, and authors is vital.   

Great puppy families learn what they need to learn. The dogs we all admire are built intentionally over time. They do not happen by accident.

It is our conviction that all helpful and unhelpful behaviours from a line-bred purebred dog are:

1: Understandable

2: Predictable

3: Behaviours we can encourage and develop or behaviours we can discourage and eradicate.

We strongly recommend the investment in reading before you bring home your pup. As little as 100 pages of information now will set your dog up for a lifetime of success. Most people need a model to guide them from the moment their puppy comes home. Haphazard rearing is confusing for dogs and can make a mess that takes years to resolve. There is great, succinct information available to help you from day one. 

Because we are so passionate about the success of our Wheatens, we require our puppy buyers to at very least read one book from our favorite behaviourist/trainer.  We also supply our puppy families with detailed information about the specifics of our Wheatens; how they are raised and trained, fed and indeed almost every aspect of their care and development.  We do not expect our puppy families to “go it alone”. We are here for you for the life of your Wheaten.  As soon as your Alinex puppy is born, we supply you with all of the information we have for you.  If you want to start reading it all earlier, just ask.  It is a thrill for us that most of our puppies go to homes who have taken the time to learn how dogs think. If our dogs are loved AND understood they will become the best they can be.  The rewards for their families are immeasurable.